Mishima Kempo


Abisetaoshi 浴せ倒し - bathing force down (body slam)

Aikugi 合釘 - double pointed nail

Akkikudaki 悪鬼摧き - "demon crushing"

Amanogawa 天の川 - "river of heaven"

Ashi Garami 足絡み - leg entanglement

Ashisabaki 足捌き - footwork

Ayumite 歩み手 - footwork sparring

Ayumite-no-Kata 歩み手の型 - Kata of stepping techniques

Bogu 防具 - Kempo practice armour

Bogu (armour)

Byobudaoshi 屏風倒し - folding screen throw

Chokuto 直刀 - straight sword


Choshi 調子 - rhythm

Chowazue 調和杖 - cane


Chudan-no-Kamae 中段の構え - middle level stance

Dagekite 打撃手 - hit-strike technique

Daihahen 大波返 - "big wave turning over"

Daito/Bokuto 大刀/木刀 - sword/wooden sword

Daito with O-Kissaki (point type favoured in Mishima Kempo)

Erijime 襟締め - collar constriction

Futatsu-Hitotsu 二つ一つ - two-in-one

Gaisoku 剴足 (or 刈足) - reaping leg

Ganken 岩拳 - rock fist

Goryu-no-Kamae 合流の構え - confluence stance

Hadakajime 裸絞め - naked choke

Hajoken 破城拳 - ram fist

Hakai-no-Sen 破壊の先 - completion timing (not lit. trans.)

Happo-no-Kamae 八方の構え - eight directions stance

Hebi/Orochi 蛇 - snake

Heiken 平拳 - flat fist

Hijitetsu 肘鉄 - "iron elbow"

Hikidashi 引き出し - drawing out

Hikihazushi Omote 引き外し表 - standard drawing evasion

Hikihazushi Ura 引き外し裏 - reverse drawing evasion

Hikiko 秘鬼鬨 (裏: 婢鬼鬨) - "Hidden Demon's War Cry"

Hikiotoshi 引き落とし - drawing drop

Hishiken/Hishite 菱拳/菱手 - Diamond fist

Hitosashiori 人差し指折り - snapping the index finger

Ho-ho 砲法 - cannon method/explosive method

Hyoshi 拍子 - timing

Hyou 豹 - leopard

Inesuzume 稲雀 - rice sparrow

Inoshishi 猪 - wild boar

Jigeiko 地稽古 - free practice

Kabuse Okoshi 被せ起し - "uncover the head" [not literal]

(Shachi-no-)Kaiteimoguri (鯱の)海底潜り - "Shachi's dive to the ocean floor"

Kai-Te 回手 - Revolving Technique

Kai-Te Ura 回手裏 - Revolving Technique (Ura version)

Kakeken 鶴拳 - crane fist

Kakushi 隠し - small weapons

Kamakiri/Tourou 蟷螂 - mantis

Kamae 構え - stance, posture or structure

Kakutojutsu 格闘術 - Fighing Art - alternative name for Kempo

Karada-no-kakudo 体の角度 - lit. "angle of the body"

Kashikone 歌詞惶根 - "Song of the Venerable Root"

Kata 型 - forms

Katakujiki 肩挫き - wrenching the shoulder

Kata Ha Jime 片羽絞め - single wing choke

Kata Mawari 肩廻[or 回]り - go around the shoulder

Kawasemi 川蝉 - kingfisher

Keizoku-no-Sen 係属の先 - (during the) pendency (of an action)

Kihon 基本 - basics

Kirin 麒麟 - "Chilin" (named after a mythological creature)

Kirukoto 切る事 - cutting/"cut a thing"

Kishute 奇襲手 - surprise attack techique

Kitsunedori 狐捕り - "trapping the fox"

Kobo 小棒 - small stick

Koho Taiten 後方体転 - Backward rotation

Konboken 棍棒拳 - cudgel fist

Konjun-no-Kata 渾敦の型 - shadowboxing

Kotehineri 籠手捻り - wrenching the wrist

Kotenage 籠手投げ - wrist throw

Kubinage 首投げ - neck throw

Kubiwanage 首輪投げ - necklace throw

Kudaki 砕き - crushing

Kujiki 挫き - wrenching

Kuma 熊 - bear

Kumoyomi 雲読 - "Cloud-Reader" (or 供物読 - "Votive-Reader")

Kunisazuchi 国狭土 - "Land-Confiner of Earth" or "Land Confined Earth"

Kunitokotachi 国常立 - "Land-Perpetual-Standing"

Kusuriyubiori 薬指折り - "snapping the medicine finger"

Ma-ai 間合い - distance

Makiotoshi 巻き落とし - winding drop

Makuragatana 枕刀 - pillow sword

Makuragatana blade

Mouju 猛獣 - animals strategies

Moto-no-Kamae 元の構え - origin stance

Muchi 鞭 - whip

Nadaredome 雪崩止め - "stop a landslide"

Nagare-ho 流れ法 - flowing method

Nagete 投げ手 - Throws

Naginata 薙刀 - halberd


Nami 波 - lit. "wave" - name of a group of techniques

Nekomi 寝込み - "Attack while sleeping"

Okami 狼 - wolf

Omotari 面足 - "Surface-Addition" or "Mask-Addition"

Ori 折り - snapping

O-ten 横転 - sideways rotation/barrel rotation

Otonobe 大殿辺 - "Great Lord of the Shore"

Oyayubikudaki 親指摧き - lit. "crushing the parent finger"

Oyayubiori 親指折り - lit. "snapping the parent finger"

Rakuyo 落葉 - "fallen leaves"

Renraku-no-Te 連絡の手 - sequence sparring

Rokushakubo 六尺棒 - staff

Ryujinage 龍神投げ - lit. "Dragon King Throw"

Samatage 妨げ - Hindering

Sankaku Garami 三角絡み - three corner entanglement

Sankouchou 三光鳥 - three lights bird

Saru 猿 - monkey

Sashi 刺し - sting

Sasori 蠍 - scorpion

Sengen 先源 - "Source of a Stream"

Shachi 鯱 - killer whale

Shiho-no-kamae 四方の構え - four directions stance

Shikai 枝潰 - "tear out a branch"

Shin Kakutojutsu 新格闘術 - New Fighting Art - (modernised/sporting Kakutojutsu - see Kakutojutsu)

Shitatenage 下手投げ - under arm throw

Shizenken 自然拳 - natural fist

Shizumi 沈み - crouch/sink

Shoto 小刀 - small sword


Shudatte 手脱手 - grappling

Shuetsu 手鉞 - hand axe

Shuto 手刀 - hand blade

Shutsume 手爪 - hand claw

Sozo-no-Sen 創造の先 - creation timing/forestalment

Sukuinage 掬い投げ - scooping throw

Sumiotoshi 隅落とし - corner drop

Suriashi 摺足 - sliding feet

Taigen-no-Kami/Taigen Sonjin 大元の神/大元尊神 - Taigen Sonjin (Kunitokotachi, Torrent)

Taishokuten 大食天 - "Great Devourer of Heaven"

Taka 鷹 - hawk

Tanto 短刀 - knife

Te 手 - technique or method (lit. "hand")

Tegaeshi 手返し - exchange hands

Tessen 鉄扇 - iron/steel war fan

Tessen (one of two different types)

Tora 虎 - tiger

Tobyonage 投錨投げ - anchor throw

(Shinju-no-)Toridashi (真珠)の取り出し - "harvest a pearl"

Toukei 闘鶏 - fighting cock

Tsubame 燕 - swallow

Tsubamegaeshi 燕返し - "turning swallow"

Tsuchide 槌手 - hammer hand

Tsukitaoshi 突き倒し - thrusting overthrow

Tsukiyomi 月読 - "Moon-Reader"

Tsunagi 繋ぎ - joining

Tsuppari 突っ張り - support/prop

Tsuru 鶴 - crane

Ude Garami 腕絡み - arm entanglement

Ude Gatame 腕固め - arm pin

Uwatenage 上手投げ - over arm throw

Wani 鰐 - crocodile

Warihazushi Omote 割り外し表 - standard splitting evasion

Warihazushi Ura 割り外し裏 - reverse splitting evasion

Washi 鷲 - eagle

Yajirite 鏃 - arrow head technique

Yamaneko 山猫 - mountain cat

Yari 槍手 - spear


Yokoguruma 横車 - "side wheel" - twisting throw (uses Warihazushi Ura)

Yubiori 指折り - finger snapping

Zenan 全安 - "Complete Repose"

Zenpo Taiten 前方体転 - Forward rotation